Bucket List

GOALS CROSSED OUT have been accomplished.
Those in BOLD have been at least attempted.

  1. Attend a concert 
  2. Get jaw surgery
  3. Get a job
  4. Watch The Lake House and 50 First Dates with my parents
  5. Eat fast food again
  6. Buy the world's biggest jigsaw puzzle for Jessica
  7. Start a real Facebook account
  8. Celebrate at least one more round of holidays with my family
  9. Sing karaoke with family
  10. Organize all my accounts online, including email/bank/game accounts
  11. Teach Mom how to use internet, cell phone, Facebook, play games
  12. Put together my family tree
  13. Spend the whole day with Mom, touring Jax via public bus
  14. Turn my handwriting into a font
  15. Shave my head bald (possibly wear wigs)
  16. Get an official name change
  17. Visit my grandma in the Philippines
  18. Meet all of my family members
  19. Attend a stadium football game
  20. Purchase a chow chow
  21. Learn to write in Chinese (ask Mom to teach me)
  22. Understand Boo
  23. Ride in a hot air balloon
  24. Learn how to fly
Created: January 1, 2014 at 8:42 AM
Latest Revision: June 14, 2014 at 12:05 PM

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