Rose Without a Bloom

Boo's roses.

Here is a look at some of Boo's roses that I saw while browsing through her Houzz page. They are busy decorating their new home. I also fixed my Gmail messages today and folders on Firefox today.

Here are a few of the ones I really liked on her page. My very favorite was the Crown Princess Margarita which Jessica took a picture of me next to but she did not send me a link to that photo unfortunately :(it's too bad because they were droopy and very nice to look at).

Afterwards I ate my very last foods which consisted of one-day old cheese pizza from Sam's Club, a ciabatta bread roll with rotisserie chicken and mayonnaise from a Kraft mayo packet, macaroni salad from two or three nights past, a chocolate Otis Spunkmeyer muffin, and a mini Twix, Snickers, and a bite of a Reese's PB cup. I drank Nestea and orange soda from Sam's Club. Mom fed me cold mango.

I finished my test chef blog and added a ratings gadget to it. I also finished my butterbug studios blog. I like my cooking blog a lot :)


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Last modified:
May 2, 2015 at 12:30 pm

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